How do I place an order for an online course enrolment?
To purchase an online course enrolment please follow these instructions. If you get stuck on any of these steps please send a detailed description of which stage you are having trouble with and what you are seeing, including any error messages, to:
Visit: [](
Click Sign Up

Select the number of enrolments that you require and click Add to basket.

Review your shopping basket and then click Proceed to Checkout.

Enter your invoice details and choose a password (please note that this is not your course password).
Select a payment method and then click Place Order.

Select your payment card type and enter your card details.

Once you have placed your order you will receive an email containing an enrolment dashboard link which you must follow to get started on the course.
Emails sent from us to confirm your order and to provide your course account details will be sent from this email address:
We hope you enjoy learning BSL.
Visit: [](
Click Sign Up

Select the number of enrolments that you require and click Add to basket.

Review your shopping basket and then click Proceed to Checkout.

Enter your invoice details and choose a password (please note that this is not your course password).
Select a payment method and then click Place Order.

Select your payment card type and enter your card details.

Once you have placed your order you will receive an email containing an enrolment dashboard link which you must follow to get started on the course.
Emails sent from us to confirm your order and to provide your course account details will be sent from this email address:
We hope you enjoy learning BSL.
Updated on: 20/03/2023
Thank you!